Saints, Shamans, Gods & Goddesses.
My name is Rev. Dr. Katy E. Valentine (you can call me “Katy”). My passion is to guide Jesus followers to FREEDOM so that they can live in high vibration joy and gratitude. For those who want to get clarity about their metaphysical soul voyage and have it fit seamlessly with their Christian faith, you’ve landed in the safe space here to get started.
By the way, let me be super transparent about a few of my values so that you know those right away. No cookie-cutter answers, hellfire and brimstone, or judgmental stuff allowed here. It’s also super important for me to let you know that everything I do creates an LGBTQI* affirming space. My tribe is all about asking awesome questions and finding genuine, heart-felt answers – no judgmental finger-wagging allowed! Now that that’s out of the way ….
No matter where you are on your journey, I’m really glad that you are here and exploring at your own pace. I am here to assist you in any way that I can. To find out a little more, I recommend that you take this quiz to direct you to your next steps.
What are your next steps on your metaphysical journey? Whether you’re a complete beginner or an advanced practitioner, determine what the next part of YOUR journey is by taking this quiz.
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