3 Tips to Prepare for the Winter Solstice (even if you don’t think you like the Solstice)

The winter solstice is one of my favorite days of the year. It’s the shortest day and longest night, and it’s an energetic powerhouse.

The winter solstice is for everyone! Does not matter if you’re spiritual, religious, nothing, or all of the above — the solstice is for you.

For thousands of years, people have honored the solstice as a time to pause, reflect, and realign with the rhythms of nature. Ancient sites like Newgrange marked the winter solstice with stone alignments, and they are magical reminders of our deeply rooted past.

Find out 3 ways to begin your preparation for the Solstice here, and you may also want to check out my LinkedIn post about it, too: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7275191763990888448/

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