Sometimes the thing you think you want isn’t the thing you actually need. Let me explain.
Today I was in Dublin (as in Dublin, Ireland) to pick up my beloved harp after a 5-week separation. I took a little time in the morning to walk through part of St. Anne’s Park, on the hopeful lookout for some of the monuments that have been recreated in the park, hoping to see and appreciate a temple of Isis (because, you know, I love ancient stuff, even in re-creation. I studied some of the cults to Isis in my grad school days in comparison to early Christians).
I wandered, meandered, admired little waterfalls, dog running, and the general state of peacefulness in the park. My mind was racing, and the space in nature helped me settle and breathe in the breath of God. I was reminded of my connection to God’s creation, mother earth.
Plus, I was looking forward to finding that temple.
I rounded the corner to find the temple, and thought I had missed it. The building I was looking at resembled a gazebo in need of a paint job…. was this the temple? really? I confirmed on the map — yep, it was the temple.
I’m not going to lie, I was a little disappointed. Yeah, it’s about the journey and all …. but I was looking forward to seeing something a little different than was in front of me (the other monuments in the park were pretty awesome, so I was disappointed that this one wasn’t as great).
It was time to head back to the car to go to the airport to retrieve my harp. I turned around and gasped then smiled. The trees behind the temple were STUNNING. They were real temples … temples of the Earth, created by God.
I THOUGHT I was there for the temple of Isis, or even the mini-journey in the park. But that’s not why I was there at all. It was the trees that were calling me to see beyond the surface reason for the walk. I sensed the true nature of the journey calling to me, right then and right there.
Sometimes, on our spiritual journey, the thing we THINK we need might not be the thing we ACTUALLY need. The SURPRISE is what helps us most in our journey. This is SUPER SUPER SUPER metaphysical. When we are tuned in to our intuition, we get a ton of surprises — and we know that our intuition actually led us there.
For those of you who are ready to make the leap into your metaphysical journey, now may be the right time. Your journey, and your intuition, have led you here to this very post. I’m so glad it has. I’m not egotistic to think that you’re here for the post specifically because I wrote it, but more than you are here to make your own reflection and nuance your journey a little more. More surprises are on their way.
Those of you who are ready to fine-tune your spiritual journeys, go in search of the temple, but maybe find the beautiful trees waiting on you, keep reading.
On Sept. 12, I’ll be holding our beloved training Bridge the Gap. This training will take you on a metaphysical journey to find where your gap is that is keeping you from where you are now to getting to the next surprise on your journey. I’d love to have you there. This isn’t for everyone, so it this is giving you the angel tingles, then you know that it may be calling *your* name.
Registration is available here []
Beloveds, be well and look for your own trees today.