You ABSOLUTELY have radical capacity for self-healing through this pretty nifty thing that God has given us called the chakras.
In fact, you can have a RELATIONSHIP with your chakras. You just gotta get used to the idea that it’s OK for Jesus followers. Plus, God can give you pretty cool messages THROUGH the chakras.
This is an area where I help people a LOT. In fact, it’s one of my favorite things to do, and is a POWERFUL modality for your own healing.
Let’s also do a little myth busting:
a) It’s easy to clear the chakras
b) It’s hard to clear the chakras
(It will make more sense, I promise — just listen through to the end 🙂 )
Do you want to know more about the chakras and their role in your life? In my training 3 Ways to Get Connected to Your Metaphysical Christian Self, I take you on a quick journey through the chakras and also give you some serious knowledge drop on intuition as a Christian (and why your heart doesn’t really deceive you). Register and watch that training here: