About The Team

Get the deep-seated peace of
getting your questions answered

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Katy E. Valentine

I’m Katy, and I’m the founder of The Metaphysical Christian and Thresholds of the Soul. It’s my joyful calling to help shift the consciousness of the planet through Jesus’ own words and life! In my spare time, you might find me playing my harp or tackling the latest board game.

Jenny Warfield

I’m Jenny and I’m the virtual-creative assistant and graphic designer. I work on a lot of behind-the-scenes and I’m blessed to be a part of this amazing team! In my spare time, you might find me writing with coffee in hand, reading and watching rom-coms, thrifting or hiking with my husband.

Alexis Fortier

I’m Alexis and I’m the Business and Virtual Office Manager at The Metaphysical Christian. I love to help change-makers make more change in the world through developing systems and simplifying the tech. Outside of work, you can find me roller skating or hiking somewhere in the beautiful state of Maine!

Rachel Cathey

I’m Rachel, and I’m a contributing writer for The Metaphysical Christian. I’m a visual learner and love writing based on the visuals revealed to me. Offering a unique view for people’s consideration on their journey. In my spare time, I love cooking for my friends, spending time with my family and spending time in nature!

Meg Calvin

I’m Meg, and I’m the enrollment coach for The Metaphysical Christian. It’s my joyful calling to serve as a concierge of sorts that aligns your needs with one of Katy’s awesome programs! In my spare time, you might find me playing guitar or building legos with my daughter and husband. I also help spiritually-attuned go-getters write, market and sell their books as a coach.

Her Journey

Katy began this beautiful journey towards metaphysics when she was a little girl having lots of intuitive experiences (though she didn’t know it at the time). 

She went to college and studied about religion and spirituality, and then even grad school where she studied even more about it. While studying for her PhD in Berkeley, California, she started meditating, clearing her chakras, and interpreting dreams — and the rest is history!

Now she loves showing others how they can embrace all of who they are without leaving Jesus behind. In fact, it is the words, life and teachings of Jesus that inspire Katy to live into her fullest calling to guide people to their ultimate freedom and peace.