Reason #5 You Know that it’s Time for you to Make the Shift and Uplevel in your Spiritual Journey

Let me give you the shorthand version: You. Can’t. Stop. Thinking. About. It. It floods your thoughts and being and your mind is racing with thoughts about your spiritual up-leveling.

This is #5 in a countdown list of 5 ways that you know it’s time for you to make a spiritual uplevel — the other videos will follow shortly.

Top 5 Reasons You Know It’s Time to Make a Shift:

#5 You. Can’t. Stop. Thinking. About. It. It floods your thoughts and being and your mind is racing with thoughts about your spiritual up-leveling.

#4 You start feeling a little uncomfortable with your current circles of people …. they might not quite “get” you anymore. You still like them and all, but you’re not speaking the same language anymore.

#3 You feel really, really sad when you think about NOT going further in your development.

#2 Your hands tingle, your head fills with energy, and you’ve got no idea what to do with it.

And the #1 way you know you’re ready for serious expansion …. nothing else will satisfy. Not your relationships, not your family (great as they are), not your pets, not your house, nothing. You know you’ll only be satisfied with YOUR expansion.

To see the NEXT video in this series click here:

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