Reason #4 You Know It’s Time to Expand Your Soul Journey

How do you know that it’s time for you to make the shift and uplevel in your spiritual journey?? I’ll be talking about each of these ways THIS WEEK. Today is all about reason #4: You start feeling a little uncomfortable with your current circles of people …. they might not quite “get” you anymore. […]

5 Ways to Know If You’re Not in Metaphysical Alignment

During this season, we may feel especially keenly if we are not in metaphysical alignment. The holiday season has a way of bringing up this not-alignment feelings in a BIG way. The birth of Jesus, of Love, into the world is an amazing thing. Jesus came to bring us life, not death. But I am […]

Gratitude changes EVERYTHING (including Thanksgiving Dinner)

If you are someone who has a little bit of anxiety about the holidays, gratitude is a practice that can seriously be of assistance to you. Why? It changes your vibration — so what your great aunt, prejudiced grandpa, clueless sibling, or toxic cousin says might not have the same impact. When you are ready […]

Why Practice Gratitude? Hint: It Raises Your Vibration

The US holiday of Thanksgiving is just a few days away. I’ll admit that I’ve got some problems with the Thanksgiving narrative that is often told in the United States (pilgrims and such). Still, I am a BIG FAN of gratitude and of giving thanks (and pumpkin pie). Interestingly, this is my first ever year […]

Prayers and Meditation for Afghanistan and Women Globally

Many of us are feeling out of sorts, dismayed, and helpless in the current crisis in Afghanistan. This is a dedicated time of prayer for peace for women globally, especially in Afghanistan right now. If you are feeling like you don’t know what to do next, find out more here and center yourself with a […]

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